2023 Annual Report
The year 2023, COED celebrated 37 years of providing unique services to adults with disabilities and their families in the Quinte Region. Each aspect of COED provides meaningful activities that promotes skill building, encourages independence and strengthens social relationships.
Our programming includes community engagement, fitness, leisure, living skills, cooking, music, a sum-mer program, after hours programming and our newest program; sewing. The sewing group has made tote bags, Christmas stockings and purses. They have also utilized the Cricut and made COED t-shirts. Some of these items have been sold on our Facebook page with proceeds used to purchase supplies that will enable us to produce items to donate to other organizations and members of the community.
The community engagement program continues to be impactful for many local agencies in our communi-ty. In 2023 we were able to support a total of 26 different organizations and create, bake or assemble over 2700 individualized items for these organizations. This program is partially supported by United Way Hastings Prince Edward.
“It makes me happy to help others and make them smile.” – Amy
“I am happy to do stuff for other people and not always think of myself. I may need help someday and hope someone helps me.” - Chris W
The fitness program operates one day weekly at the Wellness Centre. Activities include swimming, walk-ing the track, the weight room and activities in the gymnasium. Pickle ball is a new favourite gymnasium activity. A huge thank you to the City of Belleville for their partnership and waiving municipal fees that enables COED’s fitness program to be affordable and enjoyable.
COED’s music program presented a Christmas Concert this year. The concert was well attended and we filled the atrium in the main building. Everyone worked really hard rehearsing for this event.
“It is good learning about different instruments and singing. Music encourages me to step out of my comfort zone.” - Courtney
COED’s kitchen became approved by the Hastings Prince Edward Health Unit, enabling us to embark on some light catering and also offering us the potential to loan/rent to outside groups.
The summer program was well attended again. We attended a Blue Jays game in Toronto, water park in Bowmanville and the Peterborough Liftlock cruise and Zoo. Pool days were always full and a lot of fun. We also had BBQ and park days, attended fishing and the Duffers Canteen, Pop Ups By the Bay and lots of in house activities including water games and tie dye.
In 2023, COED had the privilege of supporting approximately 60 participants and their families, through the various program that we offer. We were able to almost double the physical space that we occupy, enabling us to enhance our programs, increase the people we can support and also in-crease our staff complement.
Our fundraising in 2023 was intentional and strategic. Spring 2023 we offered a very successful fash-ion show in partnership with Kimberley’s Déjà Vu and the Salvation Army. Our participants walked the runway in predetermined outfits for a sold out, captive audience. Other fundraising included our an-nual pie baking, yard sale and on-line Christmas auction. Financial support was received from United Way Hastings Prince Edward, City of Belleville, our families, caregivers and members of our local com-munity. In 2023, Mr. Huff’s continued financial assistance allowed us to further enhance our program-ming and ensure we are offering the most rewarding, meaningful opportunities possible.
Volunteers and support workers continue to be invaluable to COED. We are so fortunate to have so many wonderful volunteers and support workers. We supported several placement students from Loyalist College from the Developmental Service Worker Program in 2023. Each and every person brings unique skills and abilities and contributes to the overall success of COED’s program. In 2023, COED tracked over 800 volunteer hours; this includes committee and board involvement, in house, and fundraising support. We recorded approximately 980 student placement hours.
COED will continue to explore possible partnerships, collaborations and funding opportunities that will allow for continued enhancement and enrichment of our program.